
Coach Legacy Alligator Bag

As we know, not all of the Coach bags are of good quality, and these are all usually replica bags. Coach has a prestigious name, and they still create items that amaze customers. The one reason for moving their factories and such is to keep up with demand and costs. Among the newest bags created by them is the Coach Alligator Bag. Though a lot of have probably not seen one personally, the hype is all around the place.
The Coach Legacy Alligator Pocket Flap, the most recent, is designed with alligator leather that’s imported, and includes a leather trim on the Flag bag. Among the best features of this new bag is its functionality. The bag contains a zip pocket on the inside, a cell phone pocket, and ring for your keys, and also two front pockets on the outside. Lots of people also enjoy an exotic interior, something that this bag does not fail to do. Nonetheless, it’s a very expensive bag, and can be bought through Coach for around $6999 USD. Though a heavy price, it is certainly worth it if you are a big fan of designer bags.
People may say, why spend such money on a bag? Well, people collect all kinds of these things, and similarly, some people collect purses. The Coach is similar to the Mercedes of vehicles.

